
Susan Landau, Bridge Professor in Cybersecurity and Public Policy

Susan Landau

Professor of Cyber Security and Policy 
School of Engineering, Department of Computer Science
Founding Director, Cybersecurity and Public Policy

Susan Landau leads Tufts Cybersecurity Center for the Public Good. She also provides strategic oversight of the Cybersecurity Clinic. Landau is Professor of Cyber Security and Policy in  the Department of Computer Science. Earlier, as Bridge Professor of Cyber Security and Policy, she  founded the Cybersecurity and Public Policy MS degree program at Tufts University.  An interdisciplinary scholar, Landau works at the intersection of privacy, surveillance, cybersecurity, and the law. Her previous positions include senior staff privacy analyst at Google, distinguished engineer at Sun Microsystems, and faculty member at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and Wesleyan University.

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Ming Chow

Ming Chow

Director of the Cybersecurity Clinic
Associate Teaching Professor
Department of Computer Science

Ming Chow directs the Cybersecurity Clinic at Tufts Cybersecurity Center for Public Good. He is an associate teaching professor in the Department of Computer Science, where he has taught Introduction to Security since Spring 2011. He is widely known in the cybersecurity community, having given talks over the last decade at a number of venues including DEF CON, Security Weekly, BSides Boston, and HOPE. Chow was a mentor for over 5 years for the BSides Las Vegas Proving Ground Track. He is a senior member of the Wall of Sheep and Packet Hacking Village at DEF CON. Most recently, Chow was instrumental in the creation of the Cybersecurity Mentorship Program for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts via MassCyberCenter and has been providing live online training sessions on web application security via O'Reilly Media.

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Megumi Ando

Megumi Ando

Minnie McNeal Kenny Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science

Megumi Ando is the Minnie McNeal Kenny Assistant Professor in Computer Science at Tufts University. Prior to joining Tufts, she was a Lead Cybersecurity Research Scientist at the MITRE Corporation, leading independent research projects and serving as a technical consultant for federal agencies, such as the Department of Commerce. Her training in the mathematical foundations of computer science began at MIT where she earned double BS degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) and Mathematics and an MEng degree in EECS. During her tenure at MITRE, she received a fellowship to pursue a PhD in Computer Science at Brown University. She received her PhD in 2020 under the mentorship of Prof. Anna Lysyanskaya (Cryptography) and Prof. Eli Upfal (Probabilistic Methods, Machine Learning). The Ando Lab at Tufts works on the theoretical foundations of anonymous communications.

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Johes Bater

Johes Bater

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science

Johes Bater is an assistant professor of Computer Science at Tufts University. Before that, he was a postdoctoral researcher in the Database Group at Duke University, received his PhD in computer science from Northwestern University and completed his BS and MS in electrical engineering at Stanford University. His research centers on how to balance privacy, security, and utility to build fast, accurate database systems that support privacy-preserving analytics with provable security guarantees.

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Jeff Foster, Professor and Chair of the Department of Computer Science

Jeff Foster

Chair and Professor
Department of Computer Science

Jeff Foster is Professor and Chair of the Department of Computer Science at Tufts University. He is also the Chair of the Special Interest Group on Programming Languages (SIGPLAN). The goal of his research is to develop fundamental new ways to make it easier to build more reliable, secure software. He is interested in programming languages, software engineering, and security. He is a member of Tufts Program Languages (TuPL), and a Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

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Yingjie Lao

Yingjie Lao

Associate Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department of Computer Science

Yingjie Lao is an Associate Professor in will join the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Tufts University. He was previously an Associate Professor at Clemson University. He received the BS degree from Zhejiang University, China, in 2009, and the PhD degree from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, in 2015. Prior to joining Clemson, he spent one year at Broadcom Corporation. His research has been recognized with an NSF CAREER Award, an IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Very Large Scale Integration Prize Paper Award, and an ISLPED Best Paper Award. His research interests include trusted AI, hardware security, VLSI architectures for machine learning and emerging cryptographic systems, cybersecurity, and robotics.

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Daniel Votipka, Lin Family Assistant Professor

Daniel Votipka

Lin Family Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science

Daniel Votipka designs clinical programming and supports students at Tufts Cybersecurity Center for Public Good. He is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science and co-director of the Tufts Security and Privacy Lab. He provides expert technical feedback on curriculum and client engagement. His research focuses on computer security, with an emphasis on the human factors affecting security professionals. Previously, he served in several roles at the NSA, conducting security reviews and managing a security operations center.

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Josephine Wolff

Josephine Wolff

Associate Professor of Cybersecurity Policy 
The Fletcher School

Josephine Wolff designs clinical programming and supports students at Tufts Cybersecurity Center for Public Good. She is an associate professor of cybersecurity policy at The Fletcher School at Tufts University, with a secondary appointment in the Department of Computer Science. She provides expert feedback regarding compliance with security, privacy, and AI regulations; threat modeling, international risks, and cyber insurance. She is a Fellow in the Atlantic Council Cyber Statecraft Initiative, the New America Cybersecurity Initiative, and Harvard's Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society. 

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