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Solutions for a Better Future

Research, Education, and Civic Engagement

Join an interdisciplinary network of students, faculty, and researchers developing cybersecurity solutions with real-world impact.

We offer cybersecurity clinics to non-profit and under-resourced organizations who wish to better understand their technical and policy vulnerabilities. Collaborate with our clinician team of faculty and students.

Learn more about our Cybersecurity Clinic

We offer cybersecurity clinics to non-profit and under-resourced organizations who wish to better understand their technical and policy vulnerabilities. Collaborate with our clinician team of faculty and students.

Learn more about our Cybersecurity Clinic


Karen Panetta, Dean of Graduate Education at the School of Engineering

Protecting against AI deepfakes

Professor and Dean of Graduate Education shared her expertise with Tech Brew about watermarking to safeguard against increasingly convincing AI deepfakes.
Jeff Foster, Professor and Chair of the Department of Computer Science

Foster elected ACM Fellow

Professor and Chair Jeffrey Foster was named a Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery, a prestigious title held by only 1% of the organization’s members.
Daniel Votipka, Lin Family Assistant Professor

Preventing major data leaks

Lin Family Assistant Professor Dan Votipka talks about the rise in critical data breaches—and what organizations can do to defend their networks.